
时间:2023-05-05 20:54:26

1、Happiness is good。幸福就是至善。

2、Evil is the cause of evil。邪恶事件起因于邪恶。

3、Beauty is a gift from God。美是上帝赐予的礼物。

4、Beauty is a natural advantage。美是一种自然优势。

5、Knowledge is human nature。求知是人类的本性。

6、Education is cheap defense。教育是廉价的国防。

7、Happiness comes from our own。幸福来源于我们自己。

8、I love my teacher, I love the truth。我爱我师,我更爱真理。

9、Even God cannot change the past。即使上帝也无法改变过去。

10、Memory is the mother of wisdom。记忆为智慧之母。

11、No one can grasp the truth。没有一个人能全面把握真理。

12、Habits can make second nature。习惯能造就第二天性。

13、Happiness lies in the autonomy。幸福在于自主自足之中。

14、A genius and a madman。天才必然和疯子结成亲密的联盟。

15、Man is a natural social animal。人类是天生社会性动物。

16、Man is a natural social animal。人类是天生社会性的动物。

17、Happiness belongs to meet the people。幸福属于满足的人们。

18、The purpose of the work is to get leisure。劳动的目的是为了获得闲暇。

19、A barking dog is better than a sleeping lion with。吠犬之用,胜于睡狮。

20、Happiness lies in being self-sufficient。幸福在于自给自足之中。

21、The purpose of the work is to get free。工作的目的便是获得空闲。

22、The purpose of the war must be peace。战争的目的必须是为了和平。

23、Every field of nature is wonderful。大自然的每一个领域都是美妙绝伦的。

24、Knowledge is the best food for elderly。知识是为老年准备的最好的食粮。

25、The greatest honor is to defend the country。最大的荣誉是保卫祖国的荣誉。

26、Happiness is for those who are easy to meet。幸福属于那些容易感到满足的人。

27、I love my teacher, but I love the truth。我爱我的老师,但我更爱真理。

28、Justice is the virtue of punishment in Gongming。公正是赏罚公明者的美德。

29、Courage is the path of confidence and fear。勇敢乃是自信与害怕中间之道。

30、The same bird, self converging together。羽毛相同的鸟,自会聚在一起。

31、Bad habits are formed in the unconscious。坏习惯是在不知不觉中形成的。

32、Keep oneself to oneself, not a beast or a God。离群索居者,不是野兽,便是神灵。

33、A true friend is a soul in two bodies。真正的朋友,是一个灵魂孕育在两个躯体里。

34、Real people have high Hiroyuki can benefit mankind。真正高宏之人,必能造福于人类。

35、All art, religion is only natural appendages。一切艺术、宗教都不过是自然的附属物。

36、The cause is the vivid unification of idea and practice。事业是理念和实践的生动统一。

37、Law is order, and good law is good order。法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。

38、Friends, they will not put the scales in their midst。是朋友,就不会把秤放在他们中间。

39、The most lucid style is formed by common language。最明晰的风格是由普通语言形成的。

40、The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet。教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。

41、To overcome the fear of people to get real freedom。克服了恐惧的人才能获得真正的自由。

42、Who are friends, the essence of who are not friends。对谁都是朋友,实质对谁都不是朋友。

43、Beautiful appearance and elegant demeanor is a long。美丽的相貌和优雅的风度是一封长。

44、Live a happy life in accordance with moral standards。遵照道德准则生活就是幸福的生活。

45、The accuracy of language is the foundation of a good style。语言的准确性,是优良风格的基础。

46、Happiness is to put the soul in the most appropriate place。幸福是把灵魂安放在最适当的位置。

47、There is no man with a mad character, no great talent。没有疯狂性格的人,绝没有庞大的天才。

48、Beauty is a kind of good, and it is good for pleasure。美是一种善,其所以引起快感,正因为它善。

49、The so-called equality, is the poor do not account for the rich。所谓平等,就是穷人不占富人的便宜。

50、Education is an ornament to the rich, and a refuge for the poor。教育是富人的装饰品,穷人的避难所。

51、Education is an ornament in prosperity, adversity is a refuge。教育在顺境中是装饰品,在逆境中是避难所。

52、Human knowledge has three: theory, practical,identification。人类所需要的知识有三:理论、实用、鉴别。

53、It is only one road, the road can have many of the evil。人们为善的道路只有一条,作恶的道路可以有许多条。

54、If the evil completely becomes unbearable, it will self destruct。如果恶完全变成不堪忍受的,它也将自灭。

55、The truth will deviate from the original course, in the end is wrong。最初偏离真理毫厘,到头来就会谬之千里。

56、Intellectuals are better than illiteracy, as the living is better than dead。知识分子优于文盲,如同活人优于死人。

57、A bad man is a man who is afraid to obey, a good man is subject to love。坏人因畏惧而服从,好人因爱而服从。

58、A long, idle, and most of the time to make one's failure and destruction。长期的无所事事最能使人衰竭和毁灭。

59、Only to overcome their fear, it is possible to obtain real freedom。只有克服了自己的恐惧,才可能获得真正的自由。

60、Good is happiness。 Moderation is the highest good and extreme beauty。善就是幸福。中庸是最高的善和极端的美。

61、Education does not change human nature, can only improve human nature。教育并不能改变人性,只能改良人性。

62、Education should be provided by law, and should be the country's affairs。教育应由法律规定,并且应是国家的事务。

63、Beautiful looks and graceful manners are a long - term recommendation。美丽的相貌和优雅的风度是一封长效的推荐信。

64、The ultimate value of life is to wake up and think, not only to survive。人生最终的价值在于觉醒和思考的,而不只在于生存。

65、People think I am the most intelligent, but I know that I do not know what。人以为我最聪明,但是我自己知道我是什么都不知。

66、The revolution should not trivial, but it is originated from the trivial things。革命应不是琐细小事,但它却是起源于琐细事物。

67、Matter and form are abstract concepts, and a concrete object contains both。物质与形式是抽象概念,一个具体的事物包含着两者。

68、In any case, the form is more important than material,because it can be created。形式无论如何也比物质更重要,因为形式是可以创造的。

69、Goodness is the noble and is praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct, worthy of praise。善性是难能可贵的,也是高尚和值得称赞的。

70、The arbitrator shall be based on equity, and the judge shall take the law as the criterion。仲裁人要以衡平法为依据,法官要以法律为准绳。

71、A good impression is a prerequisite for friendship, but it can not be confused with the two。好感是友谊的先决条件,但不能把两者混为一谈。

72、Relaxation and recreation, which are considered to be an indispensable element of life。放松与娱乐,被认为是生活中不可缺少的要素。

73、I think, and the victory over the enemy, compared to the desire of the people to fight more bravely。我认为,与战胜敌人的人相比,战胜欲望的人更加勇敢。

74、A man who loves the truth, who loves the truth when he is in no danger, loves the truth in danger。热爱真理的人在没有危险时爱着真理,在危险时更爱真理。

75、People should begin to explore from ancient to modern times, originated in the natural world of wonder。古往今来人们开始探索,都应起源于对自然万物的惊异。
